Today was supposed to be a socially-distanced backyard get-together with some good friends… which went sideways shortly before they arrived, when the dog evidently swallowed a wine cork. We rushed to the vet, but the x-ray couldn’t see anything… and while they were about to prep him for an endoscopy, the friends arrived and started trying to help in crawling around the garden looking for it “just in case”… and found it. Well-chewed but not swallowed. So now we take the pup home with a huge wave of relief… and since today there are no B.C. numbers anyway, let’s forget the numbers and charts till tomorrow. Instead, you get a picture of me and this bestest boi.
So glad he’s ok. Just like having a baby all over again.
Glad he’s ok! ❤️
Tuned out well in the end. Glad all are healthy and well. Jocelyn Mills Brown solved the mystery and saved invasive vet procedures by finding the cork in the yard instead of in the puppies belly.
Glad he is ok!!!
Golden’s are the best!!!
Yay all ends well ! Yay ! Love our doggies
Nice to see the boy and his dog behind all the math, glad it turned out so well… but as the visual thinker I am seeing a cork at its final exit point is somewhat germane to where we find ourselves with Covid numbers in BC
I’ll chime in with a pic of my sweet foster dog. She is the sweetest pup ever. Whoever gets this one is a lottery winner. ????????????

He looks so sweet! Glad he is ok!
Puta menos mal oh que encontraron el corcho!!! Una endoscopia es como las weas. Thank god!!
Great outcome Hort! Cute Doggie!
Awww! Loveliest photo ever- gorgeous pup!! ????
Would an x-ray even detect a cork, since it is biological material?
Glad the cork was found.
oh such good news!
At this point I’m so used to my big dogs eating stuff they’re not supposed to that I’d more likely be photographed standing behind Leo with a catcher’s mitt than at the vet. 🙂
Glad it turned out that he hadn’t eaten it, especially as grapes are poisonous to at least some dogs!
Oh! So glad! Totally feel the drama
Been to the vet more times than to the dr – ????kids can’t tell you where or why it hurts great outcome ????????????????????????
???????? Glad it’s all good ????
What a Beautiful Baby! Golden Retriver?
You have the best dog, A golden retriever ❤️???? and I am so glad he is okay ????????
Scary!!! Glad he’s ????????❤️
Happy Ending!
so glad she is fine . welcome to owning a puppy. never boring!! and alway like to help u spend a few$$ is she a golden retriever?
So glad all is well????????❤️
That is great news! Glad you had back up in the garden.
Mori de amor!
I bet he was wondering what all the attention was about????. Glad he is fine.
had the same experience once with a toddler’s nose and a lego! glad all turned out well!
Good to hear all is well..
Que lindo tu cachorro.
Thank goodness!!
Awwwwwwwww. Glad this cute puppers is okay.
Jajaja, ???? Pobre Perro k se habra preguntado!!! Que mierda esta pasando ???? cariños estuvo muy comico ????
Que precioso está!!!!