A very memorable day here in B.C… the announcement that this is all pretty-much coming to an end; the official announcement that as of July 1st, we’re in Phase 3 and that the public health emergency will be lifted five days later.
Some notable changes, effective this Thursday:
– For the most part, masks will be optional… recommended, but not mandated
– No need to provide proof of vaccination anywhere
– Return to normal for personal indoor and outdoor gatherings
– For organized indoor gatherings, 50 people or 50%, whichever is greater
– For outdoor organized gatherings, 5,000 people or 50%, whichever is greater
– No capacity limits or restrictions on religious gatherings and worship services
– Fairs, festivals and trade shows – back to normal (with a plan in place)
– Canada-wide travel is ok
– No group limits for indoor or outdoor dining
– Normal liquor service, though no socializing between tables
– All indoor fitness classes allowed at normal capacities
– Gyms and recreation facilities, normal capacity
Given today’s new-case count of 29 and zero deaths and given the strong momentum still in place for vaccination (around here), it makes perfect sense. It’s exactly on track with what was optimistically expected… and all of this announced on what’s to be the last Dr. Bonny / Mr. Dix live 3pm briefing. I saw the first one, saw many in between, and, evidently, I saw the last one… though I didn’t know it at the time.
I started writing about this pandemic on March 17th, 2020. The Provincial State of Emergency was declared the next day, on the morning of March 18th. Accordingly, when the PSoE is lifted on Tuesday, I think that’ll be an appropriate finish line for me as well. A few more thoughts, one last contest… and, on Tuesday, call it a day. It’s Summer, and I’ve barely been anywhere for 18 months; time to get on with it and not have to be near a computer every day at 5pm.
This is all, in essence, the end of the pandemic… but it’s not the end of Covid, and there are a lot of variables that could cause wrinkles in the end-game… but the biggest game-changer… the one big, important piece… vaccines… will have a lot to say with respect to mitigating any sort of grand resurgence.
Sure… there will be pockets of outbreaks… but they’ll be dealt with swiftly. We may see an uptick in cases in the fall, but I suspect most people won’t know whether their sniffles and C19 or not; nor will they care. If hospitalization is needed, there will be plenty of beds and an awful lot of knowledge with respect to effective treatment. And if it’s a mild case… and if they’re vaccinated and everyone else around them is as well, that’s as much as any of us can do.
Beyond that, it’s pretty simple: Let’s get on with our lives.