It doesn’t get much more West-Coast-B.C. than Stanley Park’s Third Beach Tuesday night drum circles. Every version of Vancouverite is usually represented, if not as a participant, certainly as an observer. These things have been going on for years, typically May to September, always on sunny Tuesday nights. But the thing with these sorts of somewhat-organized events is that even when the organizers pull the plug on it, not everyone is convinced. Such was the case last night. The people claiming to speak for the event, back on March 19th, announced the thing is on pause till further notice. Sounds good.
But somehow, the “we’ve had enough of this crap” crowd decided it was time… and out went the word, and a lot of people showed up. Social distancing? Masks? Haha.
On sunny summer Tuesday nights, I often time my evening bike rides to wind up down there. It’s a really cool atmosphere, great energy and all the rest of it. But that was last year, and knowing what that space turns into, I wouldn’t consider it these days… because given the space and the crowd, it’s impossible for it to take place under the existing guidelines. And I don’t just mean participating… because when it’s going on, it’s crowded and difficult to walk (let alone, cycle) by on the seawall. The whole thing spills over wherever it can, just like it did last night; What’s been seen and described from last night is pretty-much exactly what you’d expect… especially some of the related attitudes, which are also very West-Coast-B.C…. “Whatever.”
That “Whatever” attitude partly led to today’s unscheduled news conference, which served up some not-so-great-numbers… and new restrictions.
Dr. Henry made it very clear, but here it is in my words: People need to understand and obey the spirit of the rules, not just the technical “here’s what’s written”. Yes, genius, you can get a group of 12 people to reserve two tables of 6 near each other and then table-hop… ohhh, aren’t you clever, being all technically law-abiding and everything. No, actually… you’re not. I feel bad for the servers in these situations, trying to enforce these regulations among people who are clearly too deserving and entitled to follow along like everyone else.
The whole idea of how many people with whom you’re in close contact has everything to do with exactly that… the risks of contact, and… contact tracing. There comes a point when contact tracing goes from manageable to impossible. This is happening in other parts of the world, where things suddenly and so quickly get out of control, that it’s just impossible to follow every lead.
Come on people, we need the vast majority to cooperate, because if we can’t get this under control now, we all know Vancouver weather… come September… back to school, back to grey skies and rain, back to the cold and indoor spaces. And, at this rate, back to Phase 1 lockdowns. Nobody wants that.
Socially distance. Wear a mask if you can’t socially distance. Follow the one-way arrows when you’re shopping. Wash your hands a lot. Don’t be a dick about any of that just because you feel you’re special or whatever. If you want to try to convince everyone that this is a conspiracy or a giant hoax or a Bill Gates 5G world-dominance control thing, that’s just great… do us all a favour and do it from home. Comfortably tuck yourself behind your computer, and watch all those videos, and comment to your heart’s content… and stay the hell away from the rest of us, who are simply trying to get to the finish line by doing the right thing.
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“Comfortably tuck yourself behind your computer” My eyes did *NOT* initially see the “t” …….. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ either way works, though.
When no one knows where the finish line is they lose interest in racing. “Flatten the curve” and “hibernate on the shelf until there’s a vaccine” are different sales jobs. The message isn’t clear which it is anymore.
The message across the globe should be socially distance, hand wash and mask. Pray for a good vaccine and when it is available get it. It’s not a complicated message.
The HK Daily Report (1.5 min read)
Time to make masks mandatory! We didn’t want to wear seatbelts, we can’t smoke in bars ect. And we follow those rules today. Making it mandatory will help the privileged dummies to catch up on reality.
The upside here is that very few of the new cases are in Vancouver Coastal Region. 6 today. 5 yesterday. 1 the day before. 1 the day before that.
I am not convinced that this virus is in the general population of Vancouver. So even this sub-moronic behavior might not doom us. Yet. Nevertheless, I am treating this as if we are in the hot zone.
We are seeing this everywhere. Currently in HK in 14 day mandatory quarantine. HK gone from zero to a 100 per day cases. They are calling it the 3rd wave. Seems it’s a 3 fold complex issue:

1) some gaping gateway loopholes that have been plugged,
2) a very rigorous and uncompromising process of quarantine for those that test positive…. So much so that some may be delaying reporting a day or so then acting as super carriers. RO is believed to have jumped to between 2 and 4 according to yesterday’s official briefing.
3) Complacency…
It’s so typical Canadian – wishy washy ‘oh we don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings… so we won’t say no”. Along with economical- But if we just enforced some mandatory mask wearing and no travel- beyond essential just a little longer we would not be going back in time. ???? I am not looking forward to homeschooling again.
Trouble indeed! There’s also a number of people who have no information. Found some today, my neighbors, planning to go to Kelowna again. Told them they were brave going there. They had no clue as the what happened there. When I asked about that I was told they don’t watch any news or any of those Dr. Henry updates. Totally no idea what is going on around them. How many others are out there that don’t have a clue? ????????
Please tell me that tomorrow’s post will be dedicated to glory holes. ????????
Bongo’s are a sure sign of an apocalypse

Best yet. So well done again . I agree with everything you said.
Listen to the experts. Self isolate, Wash your hands, Wear a mask!
Omg ????
School is the “finish line”. If we misbehave there will be no in-person school.
Can we take off the mask at the finish line?
Again, right on the nose!
Let’s all do a countdown to see whether the case numbers take any type of jump in 10-14 days. I wish NO one any harm or sickness, but come-on people isn’t this the exact opposite of what we should be doing??? ????????