The messaging coming out of the White House is so contradictory, it’s not even worth trying to figure it out. There’s internal disagreement with what they’re trying to say (forget the truth; that’s irrelevant – this is just about the picture they’re trying to paint). Doctored videos, pictures supposedly taken throughout the day but actually taken 10 minutes apart…. Trump hard at work… signing blank pieces of paper. He’s going home soon; he’s staying in the hospital for a while. Enough already; this isn’t news… just failed propaganda.
Does anyone remember the Soviet leaders that came after Brezhnev (and before Gorbachev)? First there was Yuri Andropov. One day he was fine; the next day, the Kremlin reported he had a bit of a cold. The next day he was dead. Following him came Konstantin Chernenko… fine one day, caught a little cold, died the next day.
We can excuse all that because that was the former Soviet Union, where there was no semblance of free press, and the only source of news came from the government… it wasn’t a question of truth. The “truth” that was rammed down everyone’s throat and expected to be accepted.
That’s not so easy to pull off these days, and it’s making the White House look ridiculous… and questioning the credibility of a number of people, including Trump’s own doctor.
No useful information emerging from there, and nothing too useful around here either since it’s the weekend. Tomorrow, we’ll get an informative over-the-weekend update – for Canada. For the U.S… don’t hold your breath.
The numbers and charts, as incomplete as they will be for today, will be posted shortly… for now, you get a picture of my dog… who also looks like he’s worried about what the heck is going on…
Hopefully, Trump follows the Soviet model.
The lack of information from the WH tends to make people assume things. So the joyride/photo op with no notice . . . I assume the Pres. was sick of hospital food and went to the nearest McDonald’s drive thru before heading back.
Gorgeous dog.
This is really how it happens. The mass diversion of public information. It’s quite scary to me. I always imagined this kind of thing would happen in the United States but I didn’t think it actually would happen.
Recovered ????????????
Thank goodness for dogs. ????
Big effort put in to divert from his tax revelations? Ill or not, either way it’s an absolute gong show.
Hi Horatio’s pup!

That’s one fluffy dog! Just trying to put things in perspective ????
If he survived the dreaded bone spurs he should be able to get through this..
I think we should just focus on your dog from now on! The rest is too crazy…????❤️
Haha, yeah I remember some comedian back in the day making a joke about how all the Soviet leaders were dying of “colds” left, right and centre, and then Reagan gets shot and keeps on trucking.
It seems that the joyride was a deliberate effort to keep the lenses of the world on him, and to signal at least that he is apparently recovering. At this pont, he doesn’t want Biden getting any news cycles and is largely succeeding in preventing it.
And what the heck is going on in Quebec?!
I would love to see a ‘Dave’ situation happen here.
Def failed “propaganda”. But a confused public is easier to baffle with BS!
I just want this black cloud (the US election) gone… it is soooo tiring, especially when we currently have so many other “life” issues to deal with. ????