There’s a table going around showing what’s happened in Italy and the US so far. Here it is, with Canada added in… and a couple of rows of extrapolated data. I added the graphs, and what they show is simple — it’s up to us, ie Canada, to do everything we can with respect to flattening the curve. It’s not too late, because it’s still a straight line… but there’s zero wiggle room. In a perfect world, that red line stays straight, stays well-below those exponentially-growing green and blue lines, and eventually flattens out and goes down to zero. We, today, are where the US was a week ago and Italy was 2.5 weeks ago. And neither of those are trends we want to follow. Listen and follow what we’re being told. They are strict guidelines for a reason; they work.
Thank you for posting this Horacio, a lot of people still seem to be in denial.
Its shocking that people still don’t get it. Clearly they’re too stupid and therefore very simple instructions are required: STAY THE #$%^ HOME!!!!
Thank you for posting.
Have you built that 5000 mile wall yet?
Thanks, Horacio I will try to pass this on. To think all your knowledge started with Saturday night pocker and a few bottles of Korona.
I saw one similar the other day. Yes shocking and scary as this is where we are headed if we don’t shut everything down now. As a business owner I don’t want to close but on the other hand I want this over ASAP so lets shut it all down stay home and stop this S.O.B. from getting to those Italy numbers
this is what I was looking for. If at all possible keep posting updates of this chart- it could inspire behavioural consistency or even improvement. If at all possible i’d throw in a county like South Korea as a positive example/ best practice. Either way thank you and good work!
Thank you, HK! This means a lot that you did this.
I feel like it’s the same message as climate change, only a much shorter time frame for the repercussions.
Pls update daily.
????. I don’t like the spike this morning. Here are more graphs for interest…
Uhoh, the US is growing faster than Italy!
Sending love Amigo! ❤️????????
Awesome! I started compiling the same data for the same reason. Keep it up.
The Virus will be defeated but the world population will suffer hardships never experienced before. The Planet as a whole will survive and the environment will get the correction needed and humans will be around for a few more hundred years. Not Me I will be checking out soon. glade

I did my Autobiography before I buy the Farm.
Thank you. Yes adding S Korea would be an interesting comparative benchmark
I guess movie night at your place is out of the question.
And yet today (MARCH 18TH) the BC GOV’T said the quote below. So likely we will follow US and Italy. “Restaurants, cafes and other businesses are permitted to remain open so long as customers and staff are able to maintain one to two metres of physical distance.”
Did you use WHO data?
This is awful, we’re all in quarantine, clubs and restaurants are closed except for take out… its
Just unbelievable
Your post is right on. Strict measures of isolation when so few cases are in the community will keep few cases in the community.
Horatio Kemeny, is Israel on the chart?