Everyone needs a little escape from reality these days… because as if it weren’t already enough, parts of it are literally burning. Vancouver, presently with some of the worst air quality on the planet? Sure, why not. It’s 2020.
My escape on sunny weekends is to get on my bike for a couple of hours and do my 50 km loop… but, for now, that’s also off the table. Now what.
Well… let’s head to the indoor escapes. For many people, the escape (even if only for a few hours) from the present-day world… is professional sports… and the insanity of this year has led to an interesting occurrence… which was that this last Thursday, every single continent-wide professional league was active. Hockey playoffs are going on, even though the Canucks are out. Basketball playoffs are going on, even though the Raptors are out. Baseball is going, Soccer is going… and now, American Football is starting up. Indeed, just one relevant league isn’t going… having cancelled the entire season, and that is the Canadian Football League.
With no Canadian numbers to report (full update tomorrow) and with no B.C. Lions to watch, I’ve unapologetically spent the entire day watching NFL football… and will continue to do so in about 10 minutes… so for now, I leave you with the most relevant (and most Canadian) joke I know:
It’s Grey Cup weekend, and the big game is being played here, in Vancouver, at B.C. Place. Fans from all around the country are flying in for it, and Level Two – Domestic Arrivals at YVR is a zoo of activity. The luggage carousels are all surrounded by rowdy, excited fans.
An American couple – two tourists, who just happen to be in town, are there as well, clueless as to what’s going on, and they’re amazed at what they’re seeing. In particular, there’s a group of Roughrider fans, already all decked out, dressed and painted proudly in their green and white jerseys, their faces also painted green and white, large horns on their heads, cowbells… the whole schtick.
“What’s up with that? Where are they from?”, wonders the guy out loud.
“Who knows?”, replies his wife, “Why don’t you go ask them?”
“Yeah, ok.”
The guy wanders over to the group of fans… and says to one of them, “Hey there… you know, just wondering… my wife and I were curious… where are you folks from?”
“Saskatoon, Saskatchewan!”, answers the fan, beaming with pride.
“Ah”, says the guy… and goes back to his wife.
“What’d he say?”, she asks.
“I don’t know… they don’t speak English.”
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The SUN at 3:00 o’clock today.

Air quality. Finally a good reason to wear a mask ????????????
Joking!!! Nice to have a break from Covid and politics talk.
Thanks for the laugh. We need more of the same.
Thank you.
I just realized that every year my brothers do a fantasy football and hockey league, and almost every year they try to get me to drop money in it knowing full well I will lose since I did not even know the Canucks were out of it until you mentioned it. Makes me want to hire you to PLAY there game for me as a little payback.. LOL